News and Events
Events Archive
CCMS visit to the Vatican, 1998at the occasion of the sanctification of Father Neemtallah Hardini...
CCMS visit to the Vatican, 1994Official delegations of the CCMS visited the Vatican on different occasions...
Elderly people lunch at CCMS Restos, Jan-Oct 2010CCMS periodically organizes lunches preceded by entertainment sessions...
The Central Council of the Maronite Societies Gold Medal awarded to Father Elias Feghali , July 2008.During a dinner held at the Bristol Hotel on the occasion of ...
Annual dinner at Biel, November 2008.Under the high patronage of H.E. the President of the Republic, more than 950 distinguished VIP guests...
Laying the foundation stone of the New CCMS Center in Medawar, March 1996HE President Elias Hraoui laid the foundation stone of the New CCMS Center i...
CCMS visit to the Vatican, 1965Official delegations of the CCMS visited the Vatican on different occasions...
Annual dinner at the InterContinental Phoenicia Hotel, November 2009,Under the high patronage and in the presence of H.E. the President of the Republic general Michel Sleiman...
In memory of our beloved, November 2009On November the 2nd, 2009...
Children’s Christmas, December 2009Between the 22th, and the 23th of December, Xmas Gathering for children shall be organised by the following Maronite Societies in their respective parishes...
Elderly People Lunch at CCMS Restos, November-December 2009CCMS periodically organizes lunches preceded by entertainment sessions...
Badge Granting – Hotel Bristol, October 2009a lunch gathering shall take place at the Bristol Hotel . During lunch five members of the CCMS shall be granted badges...
Solemn Mass in the occasion of Saint Maron’s day, February 2009In the presence of HE President of the Lebanese Republic, Prime Minister...